FamilyStyle Film Guide

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Part 2, Sounder (1976; 98 mins)
Parting Glances (1986; 90 mins)
Partners (1982; 98 mins)
Party Camp (1987; 96 mins)
Pascali's Island (1988; 104 mins)
Passage to India, A (1984; 163 mins)
Passage to Ottawa, A (2001; 90 mins)
Passed Away (1992; 96 mins)
Passenger 57 (1992; 84 mins)
Passion of Love (1982; 117 mins)
Passion Of The Christ, The (2004; 126 mins)
Passion Play
Patch Adams (1998; 115 mins)
Paternity (1981; 94 mins)
Pathfinder (2007; 99 mins)
Patriot Games (1992; 116 mins)
Patriot, The (2000; 164 mins)
Patton (1970; 169 mins)
Patton (1970; 169 mins)
Patty Hearst (1988; 108 mins)
Paul McCartney - The Music and Animation Collection (2004; 43 mins)
Paulie (1998; 92 mins)
Pauline at the Beach (1983; 94 mins)
Pay It Forward (2000; 122 mins)
Payback (1999; 101 mins)
Paycheck (2003; 110 mins)
Pcu (1994; 80 mins)
Peacemaker, The (1990; 90 mins)
Peacemaker, The (1997; 123 mins)
Peanut Butter Solution, The (1985; 96 mins)
Pearl Harbor (2001; 183 mins)
Pebble and the Penguin, The (1995; 74 mins)
Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985; 90 mins)
Peggy Sue Got Married (1986; 104 mins)
Pelican Brief, The (1993; 141 mins)
Penitent, The (1988; 94 mins)
Penitentiary (1979; 99 mins)
Pennies from Heaven (1981; 107 mins)
Pennies from Heaven (1936; 81 mins)
People Under the Stairs, The (1991; 102 mins)
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