FamilyStyle Film Guide

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Manon of the Spring (1986; 113 mins)
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The (1996; 83 mins)
Mara of the Wilderness (1966; 90 mins)
Marathon Man (1976; 125 mins)
March of the Penguins (2005; 84 mins)
March of the Wooden Soldiers (1934; 73 mins)
Marci X (2003)
Marco (1973; 109 mins)
Margaret's Museum (1995; 118 mins)
Margot at the Wedding (2007; 91 mins)
Maria's Lovers (1984; 100 mins)
Marie (1985; 112 mins)
Marie Antoinette (2006; 123 mins)
Marine, The (2006; 93 mins)
Mark of the Scorpion (1990; 90 mins)
Mark of Zorro, The (1940; 93 mins)
Mark of Zorro, The (1920; 90 mins)
Marked for Death (1990; 94 mins)
Marnie (1964; 130 mins)
Married People, Single Sex (1993; 90 mins)
Married To the Mob (1988; 103 mins)
Marrying Kind, The (1952; 92 mins)
Marrying Man, The (1991; 115 mins)
Mars Attacks! (1996; 105 mins)
Martha's Halloween Ideas (2006; 116 mins)
Martial Law (1990; 90 mins)
Martian Child (2007)
Martians Go Home (1990; 89 mins)
Martin's Day (1984; 98 mins)
Marvin and Tige (1983; 104 mins)
Marvin's Room (1996; 98 mins)
Mary Poppins (1964; 140 mins)
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994; 128 mins)
Mascara (1987; 94 mins)
Mask (1985; 120 mins)
Mask of Zorro, The (1998; 135 mins)
Mask, The (1988; 90 mins)
Masked And Anonymous (2003; 112 mins)
Masque of the Red Death (1989; 83 mins)
Masquerade (1988; 91 mins)
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