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Body Shots (1999)

MPAA Rating: R

Rated R for strong sexual content including graphic sex-related dialogue, language, violence and scenes of alcohol abuse

ch_profanity ch_heavy
ch_nudity ch_abundant
ch_sex ch_abundant
ch_violence ch_some
ch_drugs ch_abundant
Profanity Nudity Sex Violence Drugs
Heavy, deity, sexual, vulgarity Abundant, female rear, upper/cleavage; male full Abundant, obvious, conversation, violent, sado masochism, sex play, unmarried sex, oral sex Some, intense, bloody, fistfights, rape Alcohol abundant, accepted

[ Definitions of Terms ]

Synopsis: A docu-drama detailing an evening in which friends and acquaintances meet for dancing, drinking, and anticipated sexual encounters. The night takes an upsetting turn when one of the women accuses her date of rape.
Genre: Drama
Color: Color
Length: 102 minutes
Country: US
Studio/Distributor: New Line Cinema
Critics Ratings
  • Roger Ebert: 2.0
  • USA Today: 1.5
  • Critic Average Rating: 1.8

Reviews provided by Provo City Media Review Commission.
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