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Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence and peril and a scene of sexual content

ch_profanity ch_mild
ch_nudity ch_little
ch_sex ch_brief
ch_violence ch_graphic
ch_drugs ch_little
Profanity Nudity Sex Violence Drugs
mild, other very little, female, cleavage brief, intense, sex play abundant, intense, graphic, bloody/gore, self-mutilation, shooting, stabbing, radiation causing burning/deterioration, phaser blasts alcohol, very little, accepted

[ Definitions of Terms ]

Synopsis: The crew of the Federation Starship Enterprise must contend with an alien leader who is not willing to make his intentions clear.
Genres: Science Fiction, Action
Color: Color
Length: 116 minutes
Studio/Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Major People
  • Patrick Stewart (Actor)
  • Jonathan Frakes (Actor)
Critics Ratings
  • Roger Ebert: 2.0
  • USA Today: 1.5
  • CitySearch: 2.5
  • E! Online: 3.0
  • Reel: 2.0
  • Critic Average Rating: 2.2

Reviews provided by Provo City Media Review Commission.
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