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American Gangster (2007)

MPAA Rating: R

Rated R for violence, pervasive drug content and language, nudity and sexuality

ch_profanity ch_extreme
ch_nudity ch_abundant
ch_sex ch_graphic
ch_violence ch_graphic
ch_drugs ch_abundant
Profanity Nudity Sex Violence Drugs
Extreme, deity, sexual, other Abundant, female, full, scantily clad Abundant, intense, graphic, conversation, prostitution, sex play, unmarried sex, suggestive dancing Abundant, intense, graphic, animal cruelty, beating, burning, bloody/gore, explosions, fistfights, suicide, shooting, stabbing, torture, burning alive, biting, kicking, hitting with sledgehammer, slamming head under piano lid, slapping Drugs and Alcohol, abundant, accepted; tobacco use

[ Definitions of Terms ]

Synopsis: A cop tries to take down a Harlem drug lord who's directly importing and selling heroin.
Genres: Drama, Crime
Color: Color
Length: 157 minutes
Studio/Distributor: Universal Studios
Major People
  • Russell Crowe (Actor)
  • Denzel Washington (Actor)
  • Josh Brolin (Actor)
Critics Ratings
  • Roger Ebert: 4.0
  • USA Today: 3.5
  • Entertainment Weekly: 3.0
  • E! Online: 3.5
  • Los Angeles Times: 3.5
  • New York Times: 3.0
  • Yahoo! Users: 3.5
  • Critic Average Rating: 3.4

Reviews provided by Provo City Media Review Commission.
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