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Bobby (2006)

MPAA Rating: R

Rated R for language, drug content and a scene of violence

ch_profanity ch_extreme
ch_nudity ch_little
ch_sex ch_some
ch_violence ch_graphic
ch_drugs ch_abundant
Profanity Nudity Sex Violence Drugs
Extreme, deity, sexual, other Very little, cleavage; male, rear Some, graphic conversation, sex play, obvious unmarried sex Abundant, intense, graphic, bloody/gore, emotional, explosions, fistfights, shooting, war footage, protests, bombs Drugs and Alcohol, abundant, accepted; tobacco use

[ Definitions of Terms ]

Synopsis: A look at various people who were in the Ambassador Hotel when Robert "Bobby" Kennedy visited following the California primary election.
Genres: Drama, Historical
Color: Color
Length: 111 minutes
Studio/Distributor: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Major People
  • Elijah Wood (Actor)
  • Lindsay Lohan (Actor)
  • Anthony Hopkins (Actor)
  • Sharon Stone (Actor)
  • Demi Moore (Actor)
Critics Ratings
  • USA Today: 2.5
  • Entertainment Weekly: 2.5
  • E! Online: 4.0
  • New York Times: 2.0
  • Yahoo! Users: 3.0
  • Critic Average Rating: 2.8

Reviews provided by Provo City Media Review Commission.
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