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Must Love Dogs (2005)

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rated PG-13 for sexual content

ch_profanity ch_moderate
ch_nudity ch_little
ch_sex ch_graphic
ch_violence ch_little
ch_drugs ch_some
Profanity Nudity Sex Violence Drugs
moderate, deity, other very little, female, partial, upper, scantily clad abundant, intense, graphic, conversation, sex play, unmarried sex, exotic dancing very little, graphic, bloody, children wrestling over a toy alcohol, some, accepted

[ Definitions of Terms ]

Synopsis: Two divorced people, who are convinced by friends and relatives to try online dating, start seeing each other.
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Color: Color
Length: 98 minutes
Studio/Distributor: Warner Brothers
Major People
  • John Cusack (Actor)
  • Diane Lane (Actor)
Critics Ratings
  • Roger Ebert: 2.0
  • USA Today: 3.0
  • E! Online: 0.5
  • Reel: 2.0
  • New York Times: 1.5
  • Yahoo! Users: 2.5
  • Critic Average Rating: 1.9

Reviews provided by Provo City Media Review Commission.
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